About Us
CSTA San Diego Chapter
- to help teachers, administrators, districts, and higher education institutions provide ALL STUDENTS computer science education and curriculum.
- to broaden participation, specifically underserved and underrepresented groups, and provide equity access and opportunity of computer science education courses in all grade levels and institutions/organizations.
- to connect computer science teachers in the region of San Diego County.
- to advocate for computer science education for all students in San Diego County.
- Build a strong community of computer science educators who share their knowledge
- Provide teachers with opportunities for high-quality professional development
- Advocate at all levels for a comprehensive computer science curricula
- Support projects that communicate the excitement of computer science to students and
- Improve their understanding of the opportunities it provides
- Collect and disseminating research about computer science education
- Provide policy recommendations to support computer science in the high school curriculum
- Raise awareness that computer science educators are highly qualified professionals with skills that enrich the educational experience of their students
CSTA San Diego Chapter Board
The San Diego Chapter of the CSTA is committed to serving our members and Computer Science Education. Many thanks to all our members who work to make Computer Science a real opportunity for all of our county students. The next general membership meeting will be announced through our website and newsletter.
Corri-Anne Burgess
Kearny High School
About Corri-Anne: GIS and AP Computer Science Principles Teacher, CSforEL and Code.org Facilitator
Mark Lantsberger
San Diego County of Education
About Mark: Coordinator for Curriculum and Instruction in Computer Science
Trevor Neeb
High School Representative
Chula Vista High School
About Trevor: AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principles, & Integrated Math 2 Teacher
Tara Taylor
Middle School Representative
Eastlake Middle School
About Tara: Computer Science Teacher & Code.org CS Discoveries Facilitator
Tasha Frankie
Higher Education Representative
San Diego Mesa College
About Tasha: Associate Professor, Computer Science
Stephen Cerruti
At Large Representative
Computer Science Learning Facilitator e3 Civic High School
About Stephen: Computer Science Teacher & Code.org CS Discoveries Facilitator