Let's keep our CSTA San Diego Chapter vibrant!
Join us for our Happy Hour Series every month this 2020-2021 school year!
Meeting Recordings:
Past Presentations & Topics:
Read about CREATE's new grant here!
New things from CS foreach: Early Start, TritonHacks, and more.
Half-Day Summit Opportunities: Equity in Action Summit (March 6) - funding opportunities available!
Op-Ed on prioritizing CS Education (written by Minh Mai and Beth Simon)
October 29, 2020, 5-6pm: Special Working Meeting: Recruiting Students to CS Part 2
November 18, 2020, 4pm- 6pm: CS LISTEN UP Virtual Conference. Registration required on Eventbrite.
December 17, 2020, 5-6pm: Sharing out CSEdWeek at your School
October 15, 2020. "Recruitment of Underrepresented Students to CS" Part 1. View the video here. View the Notes here.
September 17, 2020. "Pathways to AI (P2AI)" by Judy Fan, Amy Eguchi, Saura Naderi from UC San Diego. View the video here.
We are the members of the UCSD Pathway2AI initiative aiming to promote AI education in K12 classrooms. We would like to strengthen our collaboration with San Diego K12 educators to promote AI literacy to help your students learn the skills and knowledge necessary for them to become successful citizens of our future society.
First, we would like to hear from you about how we can collaborate and provide resources and support that you need in your classroom. This survey was originally developed to reach CSTA members and affiliates. But if you have non-CS teacher colleagues who might be interested in hearing more about our initiative, sharing feedback with us, and/or participating in our programs, please feel free to share this survey with them!
Take the survey here.